Jan 31, 2008
Jan 28, 2008
Famous glasses
Jasna Ćosović
Jan 23, 2008
Umro Heath Ledger

Jasna Ćosović
Jan 19, 2008
.ME domen i GoDaddy

.me domain je poprilično zanimljiv budući da osim svog očiglednog značenja na našem i engleskom jeziku može dobro da se kombinuje i na primer na španskom ("amar.me" = "voli me") i italijanskom ("secondo.me" = "po mom mišljenju"). Dakle, Crnogorci mogu da se raduju mnoštvu zakupljenih domena i redovnim godišnjim prihodima bez velikog truda dok mi sa domenom .rs nismo bili tako sretne ruke.
Na engleskom jeziku ima mnogo mogućnosti za dobro kombinovanje sa .me ekstenzijom. Plus ne treba zaboraviti na veliku popularnost zamenica "i" (iPhone, iPod, iTunes), "you" (YouTube), "we tj. wii" (Nintendo Wii), tako da sigurno mnogi vide veliki potencijal u ekstenziji "me". Evo par desetina primera koji uključuju .me domain i koji mi padaju na pamet:
about.me add.me and.me ask.me bite.me book.me buy.me call.me click.me change.me do.me dress.me drink.me drive.me eat.me entertain.me email.me explain.me feed.me feel.me fly.me follow.me fool.me for.me forgive.me f**k.me google.me give.me help.me host.me kick.me kiss.me look.me love.me lucky.me mail.me make.me marry.me pardon.me pay.me pick.me poor.me post.me pimp.me play.me please.me read.me register.me remove.me rent.me save.me select.me send.me sms.me shake.me shock.me show.me sell.me sing.me take.me tease.me teach.me tell.me to.me try.me use.me vote.me watch.me we.me wii.me win.me why.me with.me write.me who.me you.me
Evo i par kombinacija na srpskom:
gledaj.me iznajmi.me kupi.me ljubi.me nagradi.me oseti.me pojedi.me poljubi.me popi.me prodaj.me registruj.me uzmi.me vidi.me voli.me zabavi.me zavedi.me ...
Jasna Ćosović
50 godina Štrumpfova
Jasna Ćosović
Jan 17, 2008
We're Brothers Forever
Pesmu ćete naučiti za 30 sekundi (budući da ima svega par stihova), a onda možete da je glasno pevate i nervirate nekoga danima.
Renaldo Lapuz se okušao sa sopstvenom kompozicijom na audiciji za Američkog Idola, ali i pored dobrog nastupa i dobrog glasa ipak nije uspeo. Umesto toga uspeo je da osvoji srca mnogih svojom ličnošću i pozitivnom aurom koju nosi.
Jasna Ćosović
Jan 15, 2008
Noahpad: laptop mališa

Ovaj minijaturni laptop, koji je predstavljen pre nedelju dana i čija cena u ovom trenutku nije poznata, poseduje nekoliko neobičnih karakteristika na koje nismo navikli kada su laptopovi u pitanju. Baš te inovacije i hrabrost proizvođača da ponudi nešto drugačije su glavni razlog zašto pišem o njima.

2) Iako je ekran velik samo 7 inča on emulira i 1024x768 rezoluciju prikazujući delove virtuelnog ekrana od 10 inča.
3) Ekran može da se rotira za celih 360 stepeni.
4) Najzanimljivije za kraj: Koristeći tehnologiju semi-transaparentnosti, korisnik može da unosi tekst i kada je laptop tako rotiran da je samo ekran okrenut prema njemu, a tastatura mu uopšte nije vidljiva. Naime, transparentna tastatura je vidljiva na ekranu, pa korisnik iako zapravo ne vidi tastaturu i položaj prstiju na njoj može da ustanovi gde su mu prsti koji pritiskaju tastere. Cilj je na tako malom laptopu omogućiti brzo kuckanje teksta koristeći skoro sve prste (poređenje: setite se kako kuckate SMS-ove na mobilnom). Ova semi-transparentnost je malo komplikovana za objasniti pa evo par slika sa zvaničnog sajta koje će nadam se pomoći:
Evo i par tehničkih podataka:
Display: 7″ TFT with LED back light
Intel CPU & Chipset: Via C 7M ULV ,1 GHz low power
Operating System: Linux, Windows XP Compatible
WLAN: WiFi and Bluetooth
Memory: 512 MB (DDR2)
Storage: 30 GB 1.8” HDD
Input Device: Noahpad Keyboard/dual big touch pads
Camera: 300K pixel
Audio: Hi-Definition audio, 2X2 Watt Stereo speakers, Microphone
Battery: 4 Cell s : 3900 mAh for three hours
Weight and Dimension: 0.78 kg / 192X143X 28.5 mm
Jasna Ćosović
Jan 13, 2008
Rusko Kristalno ostrvo
Jasna Ćosović
Jan 12, 2008
Još o Kosovo.com
Kosovo.com i Sedo aukcija: Željko Bošković i kompanija ASZ Ventures Inc. (vlasnici Kosovo.com koji su ga kako mi je rečeno prodali u 2006. godini), su ili su barem bili vlasnici niza drugih geo-domena, npr. Crnagora.com, Podgorica.com, Novi-sad.com, Kotor.com (koji sam spomenula u Tehnopolis članku)... a i domena kao što su fudbal.com, kosarka.com, vesti.com, nekretnine.com...
Kosovo.com će u februaru 2008 biti deo tematske aukcije "7 days around the world", koju organizuje brokerska kompanija Sedo. Sedo povremeno organizuje tematske aukcije kako bi potencijalni kupci lakše pronašli ono što ih zanima. U moru domena koji su na prodaju teško je pronaći domen odgovarajućeg imena. Tako su na primer nedavno organizovane tematske aukcije .mobi domena i domena specifičnih za stanovnike zemalja Beneluksa.
Srbija.com: Vlasnik domena Srbija.com je Ivan Ratković, zvani Hackija. Na pitanje o vrednosti i ponudama za kupovinu Srbija.com domena izjavio je: "Najoptimističnije prognoze brokera za Srbija.com su milijun i pol do dva milijuna eura, a najviša ponuđena cijena je 320 000 eura od strane jednog poznatog srpskog tajkuna, državne firme su nudile oko 250 000 eura, a najviša cijena od strane Albanaca je bila 180 000 eura + dobro uhodana pekara u Zagrebu."
Pored Srbija.com, u vlasništvu istog tima su domeni kao što su Hdz.com (na kojoj se kritikuje stranka Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica), Jugoslavija.com i domen, kako na samoj strani piše, „Hrvatskog Sotonističkog Bratstva i Sestrinstva“ Magija.com. Inače, jedno vreme se na strani www.Srbija.com mogla videti hrvatska zastava, pa je tako strana bila česta meta napada srpskih hakera. Predlažem da pročitate šta se danas na strani Srbija.com poručuje.

"Statistika za mesec novembar 2007. iznosila je 340.000 poseta i oko 7.200.000 pregleda stranica (Google Analytics).
Struktura posetilaca je većinski u rasponu od godina tinejdžera do nekih srednjih generacija. Po ovome bi se moglo zaključiti da je u pitanju neki sajt za dating, download muzike, slike nagih poznatih ličnosti ali to kod nas nikada nije bilo zastupljeno i nikako svoj razvoj ne vidimo sa ovakvim sadržajem. Naši članovi se samoinicijativno okupljaju i druže u raznoraznim okruženjima (kafići, diskoteke, na otvorenom uz roštilj, ili neka spontana a ipak organizovana šetnja gradom), padaju nova poznanstva, nove ljubavi..
Po raznoraznim pokazateljima na sajtu postioce ponajviše privlači foto pregled dešavanja u gradu (imamo preko 180.000 fotografija sa arhivom u poslednje dve godine), forum (Na mesečnom nivou u proseku imamo oko 25.000 poruka), mali oglasi, IRC chat (integrisan sa sistemom članova samog Portala), privatne galerije članova (korisnici sajta su preko 40.000 slika postavili u svoje albume), a takođe i informativni deo koji u što većoj meri nastojimo da razvijamo.
Jasna Ćosović
Jan 11, 2008
Čovek živi u IKEA-i
Jasna Ćosović
Jan 8, 2008
East European Cartoons II
Chris' analysis of East Europaen cartoons:
Since I tend to be the the American authority on Eastern European Animation (a title I don't really have, but often attributed to though early exposure to said works), I do like to say some words about this entry of interest to those who might stumble upon in later.
While it is true that hardly many American cartoons ever got much exposure in Eastern Europe, I assume the one country lucky enough to have had the best of both worlds was probably Yugoslavia (given the differences in political structure and less restrictions on foreign trade during those years), I know a couple guys on a forum who grew up watching Bugs Bunny and Tom & Jerry alongside Gustavus and others mentioned here. Of course the Croatian republic of the country was and still is home of of the world's famous animation festivals, the Zagreb World Festival of Animated Films.
Being reminded of having first saw the Gustav cartoons some years ago and found them quite impressive with the type of contemporary issues they often dealt with in the series. While being made for adults, often children have also seen and enjoyed these cartoons alike, as they were often placed as afternoon tea-time pieces in between programming in places like Italy. I think the cartoon also got mild exposure in places like the UK though I don't think they were ever seen at all in the states.
One thing of note about Gustavus that I often noticed in the episodes I've seen was it's use of a solid color background that the outlines are placed over as cel overlays in the animation process. A similar technique was utilized very briefly in the first season of The Simpsons (1989-90), where a piece of textured paper was used often to create the look of the floors in the cartoon.

The third series that was produced in the later part of the 1970's was "Vakáción a Mézga család" or "The Mezga Family Vacation". In the third and last series of the Mézga saga the family receive an invitation from Paula's former fiance' Steve Huffnágel who lives now in Australia. They sell everything in the house to be able to buy the tickets, hoping Steve is a millionaire, they will get everything back. Dr. Máris, their neighbor accompany the family in return for lending some money too... After arriving they have to face the truth: Steve is nowhere to find, he is wanted by the police, and they have no money at all to travel back to Budapest. The adventure begins, and their trip around the world turns into a nightmare.

Here's a clip of the first five minutes of this movie (though in Hungarian)...

Studio Bratři v triku might also be responsible for having animated many American cartoons, directed by American emigrate Gene Deitch, that were outsourced through Rembrandt Films in NY in the early 60's, these include MGM's Tom & Jerry, King Features' Popeye and Krazy Kat and several other productions. Often viewers who think of "Eastern European Animation" in general often conjures up rather poor memories of the T&J cartoons due to their quirky, slightly bizarre nature, that should not be the fault of the animators of course since they had never seen a T&J cartoon in their lives when they were producing these. An episode of the Simpsons, involving Krusty showing off such a terrible Eastern European equivalent to Itchy & Scratchy has been noted for more recent rants over it. If anything, Deitch's effort is said to indirectly benefited the the studio in streamlining their process a little, since more familiar methods of hand-drawn animation present in American and Western European animation hadn't came into practice yet.
Of course, alongside "Nu, Pogodi!", Soyuzmultfilm in Moscow had produced many animated shorts and movies that spanned much of the 20th Century, only to be hampered by the fall of Communism, and the rise in privatization in the country by studios like Pilot. Soyuzmultfilm also has produced very impressive mature works by animators like Fyodor Khitruk, Ivan Ivanov-Vano, Yuri Norstein and others.

Another popular series (albeit, only three films made) was one based on a story of sorts called "Three from Prostokvashino" or "Three from Prostokvashino" (Prostokvashino is a town in Russia I believe). The story revolves around a boy who finds a cat outside his apartment whom he wanted to keep, but his parents didn't want him to have him, but the boy decides to escape to Prostokvashino, where a dog they met tells them of a vacant shack they could stay at together that becomes the home for the two animals. While in the town, they encounter several characters including a bird that is used as a sort of carrier pigeon for messages and a postman as well. Later films dealt with summer and winter holidays shared by the characters...
Of course animation from the Soviet Union tends to be rather vast, and in the time I took to write this whole thing, I rather just leave it at that for now!
Interesting to hear Zagreb picked Balthazar as their mascot now, they should have done that years ago as far as I'm concern. Those cartoons were unique and colorful! They were the brainchild of animator Zlatko Grgic, one of Zagreb Film's finest animators who later emigrated to Canada where he taught animation at Sheridan College, and produced several films like the National Film Board of Canada's "Hot Stuff".
Well I guess that's all I have to say for now, but thanks for having to bring up a subject only a few of us across the Atlantic might even care about! :-)
Jasna Ćosović
Jan 7, 2008
Šta se zbilo u 2007?
Jasna Ćosović
Jan 2, 2008
Evropa je država!
Jasna Ćosović